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They say Beauty is found within.
They don’t say what else may lurk beneath the skin…
Since she was a child, Beauty has heard voices that no one else does. Occasionally appearing as bobbing heads or inky shadows, these voices have tempted her, taunted her, and tormented her. As she grows, so do they, crowding her mind: eight voices, eight oppressors, all determined to control her from the inside out. They whisper ominously about her background, her family, and her identity itself: Don’t forget what you are—what you truly are.
As their influence over her increases, Beauty uncovers painful revelations about her past that send her spiraling. Desperate and despairing, she journeys from one low to the next—through devastating loss, a stint in a mental institution, and an ill-fated romance with a married man.
In her lowest moments, she finds herself ready to give up and give in to the voices. Can she be free from their iron grip? Can she find her own name, her own identity?
Can what was broken ever be Redeemed?

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Ferdinand the fox is afraid of the dark, but his Mama is nearby from the very start. He learns with her guidance to look up to the light, so that the world around him will always seem bright.

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David is a wanderer with the ability to lift other’s suffering and place that mantel upon himself. A man who tirelessly works to ease the souls of others, while never allowing himself to be free from the crippling weight of guilt.
April is a street worn junky, who has abandoned herself to a life without hope. Doing whatever it takes to live one fix to the next. A woman without family, a home, or a future.
When they met, neither of them ever expected God to move so powerfully within them. No longer alone, each finds that the other may be what is needed to face truths neither could face alone. For one, it’s an introduction to a God never before known, and for the other, it’s a chance at healing.
Can an exhausted man of God and a hopeless woman of the world work together to overcome a force from the past that threatens David’s future?

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